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Closing Through March 31

Writer's picture: BCudlyBCudly

It is with a heavy heart I sit down to write this message. I have been agonizing over it for a week now, but I feel the time has come to make the decision. Both Cudly Massage and Wellness locations will be shutting down for through March 31, and we will reassess at that time.

As nonessential healthcare workers, we feel we have a moral, ethical, and social obligation to our clients and community to help slow the spread and flatten the curve. The information is changing hourly on COVID19, but the constant factor is we don’t know much about it and it spreads easily! We are hoping to lead by example in this very difficult time.

One issue we have been grappling with is, on top of pain issues, our society is at a peak with stress and anxiety. Social distancing means a lack of touch - which we know is important to a healthy mental state. Massage therapy is needed now more than ever. Unfortunately we need to be well within 6 feet of people for it to be effective. In the last few days, the two leading massage therapy associations - American Massage Therapy Association and the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals - are both suggesting massage therapists pause practices to help slow the spread.

Our top mantra is “do no harm,” and although we can account for our whereabouts and cleanliness, we cannot account for the others we run into - in office or out. Because this virus is extremely contagious before symptoms arise, no amount of screening can make up for social distancing. We do not want to unknowingly pass it on to you. Yes, this will be a financial hardship for our therapists, but our main concern is YOU.

We hope you will join us in attempting to flatten the curve. If you can, stay home. If you can’t stay home, keep your distance. Stay healthy and we look forward to seeing you when it is safer to do so. We will be staying in touch through email and social media. We are also looking in a couple of innovative ideas, so please stay tuned!

-Your Cudly Massage and Wellness Team

Briana, Jill, Katie, Anna and Chester

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